
電腦登入後都會啟動一個程式Bright Data

下載格式工廠來做一些影片轉檔時,發現電腦右下角工具列,多了一個程式"Bright data",不知是什麼東西。



https://www.cc.ntu.edu.tw/chinese/cert/cert20230815.asp  這個網頁有提供移除方法。

簡單的說就是用Autoruns.exe或procexp.exe去找搜尋net_updater64.exe、net_updater32.exe及brightdata.exe或服務Brightdata Service是否持續運行,找到就把這個程式刪除。

When downloading Format Factory to perform some video conversions, I noticed a program called "Bright data" appearing in the toolbar at the bottom right corner of my computer screen. I was unsure what it was.

Every time I logged into my computer, it would start up, but I couldn't find it in the Windows startup list, nor was it listed in the installed programs on my computer.

After some investigation, I discovered that it's a program used for internet proxies, but it has been abused by malicious actors, turning personal devices into attack proxies.

This webpage (https://www.cc.ntu.edu.tw/chinese/cert/cert20230815.asp) provides a method for removing it.

In short, you can use Autoruns.exe or procexp.exe to search for net_updater64.exe, net_updater32.exe, and brightdata.exe, or check if the Brightdata Service is continuously running. Once found, you can delete the program.


ESXI 7.0 安裝好WINDOWS 2019 無法使用ctrl alt del

剛裝好一台 ESXI 7.0,在上面建好一台win2019的虛擬機後,要傳送ctrl +alt +del做登入時,都沒反應。


後來發現是因為裝好後,通常都會直接選擇"開啟瀏覽器主控台",然後操作,有時後傳送ctrl +alt +del會失效。

改用"啟動遠端主管台"來傳送ctrl +alt +del,就可以了。

Just installed an ESXi 7.0 server, and after setting up a Windows Server 2019 virtual machine on it, I found that pressing ctrl + alt + del to log in doesn't work.

I've encountered a similar issue before, usually caused by Windows updates or installing VMtools. However, this time, even after setting up Windows Server 2019, I couldn't log in.

Later, I realized that after installation, I typically chose "Open Browser Console" directly, and sometimes sending ctrl + alt + del wouldn't work.

Switching to "Launch Remote Console" to send ctrl + alt + del solved the issue.





