
IBM x345 亮橘燈

 有一台非常老舊的IBM x345,前面面板出現了硬體故障的橘燈,但這台伺服器的面板沒有其他資訊,就只燈號可以看。






There is an old IBM x345 server that has a hardware failure indicated by an amber light on the front panel. However, the server's panel does not provide any additional information, only the indicator light is visible.

Upon inspecting the physical appearance, the hard drives appear to be functioning properly, and there are no other areas with illuminated amber lights, making it difficult to determine the source of the issue.

Referring to the manufacturer's documentation, it mentions that there are other hardware indicator lights on the motherboard, which would illuminate if there were any problems.

Therefore, shut down the system, and the computer cables were connected. Upon opening the server's cover, it was discovered that there was indeed an illuminated amber light on one of the memory slots, finally identifying the problem.

Interestingly, upon opening the cover, a small panel was found hidden inside, displaying the specific hardware component that was experiencing the failure. It is weird why this panel was concealed inside the server.

Upon revisiting the manufacturer's documentation, it was confirmed that this diagnostic panel is indeed located inside the server.

Shioaji 1分k轉成其他分k




第一是轉成其他k分時,會有從左邊算起或右邊算一起的問題,這就會影響到資料的正確性,關於這個,可以參考https://ithelp.ithome.com.tw/articles/10280495 這篇文章,用label跟closed兩個參數去調整資料的正確性。



這時後就要在加一個base的參考,範例可參考 https://towardsdatascience.com/using-the-pandas-resample-function-a231144194c4 這篇最後面‘Base’ Argument的說明。

另外就是1分k只能用日期 去過濾,但裡面會包含到日跟夜盤的資料,如果只要日盤,或是特定時間,就要用between_time這個參考去過濾,範例可去https://geek-docs.com/pandas/pandas-dataframe/python-pandas-dataframe-between_time.html 看看。

Linux nautilus程序佔用cpu效能




The Linux program Nautilus is consuming CPU resources.

While checking the system performance using the "top" command, I noticed that the Nautilus program is utilizing a significant amount of CPU power. However, the overall CPU usage remains low, and it does not affect the overall operation of the system.

Nautilus is a graphical interface program, similar to a file manager. By using the "who" command, I confirmed that there is still an active session logged in through the graphical interface. After connecting to it, I discovered that many folder windows were left open, which were not closed after configuring some settings by other personnel.

By closing these folders and logging into the graphical interface again, these programs disappeared.


Teams 會議來賓無法文字聊天






其他差異可參考 https://atlas.utdallas.edu/TDClient/30/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=300

Guests in Teams meetings are unable to chat via text.

Originally, during Teams meetings, guests without an account could also engage in text chat using the "Chat" feature. However, recently this capability suddenly became unavailable.

During testing, it was observed that sometimes it worked, while other times it didn't. After carefully comparing the steps taken, the reason for this situation was identified.

Teams meetings can be categorized as channel meetings or regular meetings, and the location for initiating a meeting is different on the interface. Typically, meetings are initiated as channel meetings because upon logging in, the interface is directed to the channel meeting initiation section.

Meetings created within "Teams" are always channel meetings, regardless of whether they are scheduled or started immediately. Guests cannot use text chat in these meetings.

Meetings created within the "Calendar" are always regular meetings, regardless of whether they are scheduled or started immediately. Guests can use text chat in these meetings.


Backup exec 伺服器的 Symantec\Backup Exec\BEDBG 資料夾內有很多佔容易的cab檔

 Backup exec 伺服器的C槽空間快不夠了,看了一下裡面的東西,發現 Backup exec 的程式資料夾中,其中一個BEDBG資料夾用了比較多空間,在裡面看到很多cab檔。

上網查了一下,這是 Backup exec 當掉後就會產生的dump檔,如果有需要查原因就可以去讀取這些cab檔。


The available disk space on the C drive of the Backup Exec server is running critically low. Upon investigating the contents, it was observed that the BEDBG folder within the Backup Exec program directory is consuming a considerable amount of space. Upon further inspection, it was discovered that the folder contains multiple CAB files.

After conducting research online, it was determined that these CAB files are generated as dump files by Backup Exec in the event of a system crash. These files can be accessed for troubleshooting purposes to identify the cause of the crash, if necessary.

If there is no need for further investigation, it is recommended to delete these files in order to reclaim disk space.


HTTPS 網站的SSL 憑證發行者 變成 Kapersky






The issuer of an HTTPS website certificate typically displays the certificate's issuing authority. However, in some cases, when viewing the certificate information on certain websites, the issuer appears as "Kaspersky" instead. This does not affect the functionality of the certificate, but the reason behind this change is unclear.

Further investigation revealed that if antivirus software has enabled HTTPS scanning, it installs its own certificate to facilitate the scanning of HTTPS transmissions.

By disabling the inspection of encrypted HTTPS traffic, the situation of the certificate issuer being replaced can be avoided.

The setting for HTTPS encrypted transmission scanning in Kaspersky Endpoint Security (KES), the enterprise edition of Kaspersky, can be found in the general settings under network settings. It provides the option to enable or disable this feature.


Shioaji 篩選 目前週選的TX代號






if api.Contracts.Options['TX1'] != None and api.Contracts.Options['TX2'] != None:
    TX = 'TX1'
elif api.Contracts.Options['TX2'] != None and api.Contracts.Options['TXO'] != None:
    TX = 'TX2'
elif api.Contracts.Options['TX4'] != None and api.Contracts.Options['TX1'] != None:
    TX = 'TX4'
elif api.Contracts.Options['TX4'] != None and api.Contracts.Options['TX5'] != None:
    TX = 'TX4'
elif api.Contracts.Options['TX5'] != None and api.Contracts.Options['TX1'] != None:
    TX = 'TX5'
elif api.Contracts.Options['TXO'] != None and    api.Contracts.Options['TX4'] != None:
    TX = 'TXO'


FreeFileSync 同步檔案時出現 sync.ffs_lock的相關錯誤 code error 5: Access refuse [create file]

 在win2019透過freefilesync要把遠端win2003的檔案同步過來本機的時後,有些資料夾都會出現錯誤,內容都是在本機端的資料夾中 sync.ffs_lock有錯誤, code error 5: Access refuse [create file]。





When using FreeFileSync on Windows Server 2019 to sync files from a remote Windows Server 2003 to the local machine, some folders encounter errors. The error message states that there is an issue with the "sync.ffs_lock" file in the local folder, with error code 5: Access refused [create file].

According to the literal meaning of the error, it seems that the sync process is unable to create the "sync" file.

However, I noticed that there were no issues when manually creating files on the local machine, which struck me as odd.

Later, while manually copying and pasting files, I encountered occasional error messages indicating a lack of permission and suggesting the need for administrator privileges. However, I was already using the local administrator account to perform the operation.

At this point, it occurred to me that when running FreeFileSync, it should be executed with administrator privileges. When I ran the program as an administrator, the folders that were previously causing errors during synchronization, about three or four of them, synced without any problems.


pyinstaller py轉exe出現錯誤:The 'pathlib' package is an obsolete


The 'pathlib' package is an obsolete backport of a standard library package and is incompatible with PyInstaller. Please remove this package (located in C:\Users\helloeveryone\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages) using  conda remove then try again.

這時就執行 pip uninstall pathlib ,把pathlib移除就好,移除後不需要再重裝一次。


When using PyInstaller to convert a .py file into an executable (.exe) file, the following error occurs:

"The 'pathlib' package is an obsolete backport of a standard library package and is incompatible with PyInstaller. Please remove this package (located in C:\Users\helloeveryone\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages) using conda remove then try again."

To resolve this, execute "pip uninstall pathlib" to remove the pathlib package. After removing it, there is no need to reinstall it.

Afterward, running PyInstaller should successfully convert the .py file into an .exe file.


Shioaji 篩選 期貨 日盤的kbars

Shioaji 在撈Kbar資料時,可以指定開始跟結束的"日期",然後就產出這段時間的一分k資料 。


1. 先把dataframe裡的ts欄位設成index
2. 在用between_time的功能,選出要的時間區間,就完成了。
df=df.between_time('08:44', '13:46')

可以參 考這篇