
Backup exec 伺服器的 Symantec\Backup Exec\BEDBG 資料夾內有很多佔容易的cab檔

 Backup exec 伺服器的C槽空間快不夠了,看了一下裡面的東西,發現 Backup exec 的程式資料夾中,其中一個BEDBG資料夾用了比較多空間,在裡面看到很多cab檔。

上網查了一下,這是 Backup exec 當掉後就會產生的dump檔,如果有需要查原因就可以去讀取這些cab檔。


The available disk space on the C drive of the Backup Exec server is running critically low. Upon investigating the contents, it was observed that the BEDBG folder within the Backup Exec program directory is consuming a considerable amount of space. Upon further inspection, it was discovered that the folder contains multiple CAB files.

After conducting research online, it was determined that these CAB files are generated as dump files by Backup Exec in the event of a system crash. These files can be accessed for troubleshooting purposes to identify the cause of the crash, if necessary.

If there is no need for further investigation, it is recommended to delete these files in order to reclaim disk space.

