
FreeFileSync 同步檔案時出現 sync.ffs_lock的相關錯誤 code error 5: Access refuse [create file]

 在win2019透過freefilesync要把遠端win2003的檔案同步過來本機的時後,有些資料夾都會出現錯誤,內容都是在本機端的資料夾中 sync.ffs_lock有錯誤, code error 5: Access refuse [create file]。





When using FreeFileSync on Windows Server 2019 to sync files from a remote Windows Server 2003 to the local machine, some folders encounter errors. The error message states that there is an issue with the "sync.ffs_lock" file in the local folder, with error code 5: Access refused [create file].

According to the literal meaning of the error, it seems that the sync process is unable to create the "sync" file.

However, I noticed that there were no issues when manually creating files on the local machine, which struck me as odd.

Later, while manually copying and pasting files, I encountered occasional error messages indicating a lack of permission and suggesting the need for administrator privileges. However, I was already using the local administrator account to perform the operation.

At this point, it occurred to me that when running FreeFileSync, it should be executed with administrator privileges. When I ran the program as an administrator, the folders that were previously causing errors during synchronization, about three or four of them, synced without any problems.

