後來查了一下才發現,是windows defender搞的鬼,因為一開始改好英文版,有順便執行windows update,有更新的windows defender,之後別的帳號登入就沒辦法安裝語言套件。
這時就是把防火牆通通關閉,然後新增一個機碼,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\ 底下新增一個dword32位值,名稱是"DisableAntiSpyware",值設成1,然後重開機。
After reinstalling Windows 11 in Chinese, I immediately switched it to English. The language pack installation went smoothly.
However, when switching to another user account, the interface was still in Chinese, and I had to reinstall the language pack. At this point, the language pack installation kept showing as "Pending" and couldn’t be completed successfully.
After some investigation, I discovered that the issue was caused by Windows Defender. Initially, after switching to English, I also ran Windows Update, which included updates for Windows Defender. Afterward, other user accounts couldn’t install the language pack.
To fix this, I disabled the firewall completely and added a registry key under:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\
I created a new 32-bit DWORD value named "DisableAntiSpyware" and set its value to 1, then restarted the computer.
Once I did this, I was able to successfully install the language pack.