
搭配Google Blogger 的Google Adsense ads.txt一直顯示找不到

 最近Google Blogger流量變多了,但Google Adsense這兩三個月的收入卻都是0,感覺怪怪的。

進到Google Adsense後台看了一下,發現在"網站"這裡面的設定,ads.txt狀態是顯示"找不到"。

看了一下說明,發現設定都對,然後連到 https://網站網址/ads.txt ,資料也有正常顯示。


後來在論壇上看到有人分享,到Google Adsense後面的"設定-->帳戶資料",裡面有一個"賣家資訊顯示設定",要設定成公開,ads.txt馬上就會馬上生效變成"已授權"。


Recently, my Google Blogger traffic has increased, but my Google Adsense income for the past two to three months has been 0. I felt strange.

I went to the Google Adsense backend and checked. I found that the status of ads.txt in the "Website" settings is "Not Found".

I read the instructions and found that the settings are correct. Then I went to https://website-url/ads.txt, and the data was also displayed normally.

I thought that the robots.txt setting in Blogger might be wrong, so I turned off robots.txt, but it didn't work.

Later, I saw someone share on the forum that I should go to the "Settings"->"Account Information" in Google Adsense, and there is a "Seller Information Display Settings". I should set it to "Public", then ads.txt will be effective immediately and become "Authorized".

I tested it, and it really worked immediately. 

Python py轉exe的執行檔太大


原來是因為之前是用Anaconda裝好環 境的,裡面有一大堆套件,在轉換時,也一直被塞進去了。




Converting a Python script into an executable (.exe) file is a convenient way to run the program on systems without Python installed. However, the resulting .exe files tend to be quite large, often several hundred megabytes, even for scripts that are just a few kilobytes in size.

The reason behind this issue is that if you previously developed your code within an Anaconda environment, it likely included a multitude of packages and dependencies. During the conversion process, these dependencies are also bundled into the executable, contributing to its substantial size increase.

To address this problem, a solution involves creating a new virtual environment, installing only the necessary packages, and then proceeding with the conversion process. This approach results in executable files that are only a few tens of megabytes in size.

For a detailed guide on how to accomplish this, you can refer to the following website:



fortigate log 保留天數調整

 fortigate log 預設保留7天,如果容量夠的話,可以設定保留久一點,若有發生異常,可以查到比較久以前的紀錄。


config log disk setting

set maximum-log-age 30     


FortiGate logs are stored by default for 7 days. If you have enough disk space, you can configure them to be stored for a longer period of time. This will allow you to view older logs in case of an incident.

To configure FortiGate logs, enter the following three commands in command mode. The second command sets the number of days that logs are stored. In the example below, logs are stored for 30 days.

config log disk setting

set maximum-log-age 30



windows 使用batch 指令匯出dhcp lease位址租用紀錄

 如果是windows2012,powershell 4.0裡面有get-dhcp的指令把DHCP目前租用IP的清單做匯出。

但在windows2008,powershell 1.0沒這個指令,不想升級powershell,可以用netsh來完成,指令如下:

@echo off

netsh dhcp server scope show clients > "%DATE:~0,4%%DATE:~5,2%%DATE:~8,2%_dhcp_clients.txt"




If you are using Windows 2012, PowerShell 4.0 includes the get-dhcp command to export a list of currently leased IP addresses from DHCP.

However, in Windows 2008, PowerShell 1.0 does not have this command. If you do not want to upgrade PowerShell, you can use netsh to complete the task. The command is as follows:

@echo off

netsh dhcp server scope show clients > "%DATE:~0,4%%DATE:~5,2%%DATE:~8,2%_dhcp_clients.txt"


This command will export the IP leases for the scope to a text file. The file name will be in the format of YYYYMMDD_dhcp_clients.txt.

To export leases for all scopes, simply copy and paste the command, and change the scope IP address after scope.


APACHE http轉跳https 設定




ESXi 6.5 的windows 2012虛擬機傳送ctrl alt del沒反應

在ESXi 6.5架設了一台windows 2012虛擬機,開啟了遠端桌面連線的功能,都可以使用,接著安裝了vmtool重開機後,使用chrome透過esxi的web console要登入主機時,傳送ctrl alt del沒反應。



在經過一些測試後發現,是透過windows update進行更新時,會有一個vmware的套件,安裝了這個後,才會有傳送ctrl alt del沒反應的問題,所以在做windows update時不要裝這個套件就好了。

I have set up a Windows 2012 virtual machine on ESXi 6.5 and enabled the Remote Desktop Connection feature, which was working fine. Then I installed vmtools and rebooted the virtual machine. After that, when I tried to log in to the host using Chrome via ESXi's web console and sent Ctrl+Alt+Del, there was no response.

I also tried using Remote Desktop Connection, but after entering the username and password, I couldn't connect, which is very strange.

After searching on Google, I found an article from VMware suggesting upgrading ESXi, but for now, I'm not considering that option.

After some testing, I discovered that when updating through Windows Update, there is a VMware package that, when installed, causes the issue with Ctrl+Alt+Del not working. So, when performing Windows Update, it's advisable not to install this package.


Excel 下方的分頁頁籤不見了



這是設定的問題,只要在進階的設定裡,找到 顯示工作表索引標籤,將此功能打勾就會正常顯示其他分頁了。

Different worksheets in an Excel file are usually switchable by clicking on the tabs located at the bottom left.
However, in some cases, even though a file has multiple worksheets, there is no content displayed at the bottom, and switching between them is not possible.
This is a configuration issue. By going into the advanced settings and enabling the "Show sheet tabs" option, the other worksheets will be displayed correctly.


IBM x345 亮橘燈

 有一台非常老舊的IBM x345,前面面板出現了硬體故障的橘燈,但這台伺服器的面板沒有其他資訊,就只燈號可以看。






There is an old IBM x345 server that has a hardware failure indicated by an amber light on the front panel. However, the server's panel does not provide any additional information, only the indicator light is visible.

Upon inspecting the physical appearance, the hard drives appear to be functioning properly, and there are no other areas with illuminated amber lights, making it difficult to determine the source of the issue.

Referring to the manufacturer's documentation, it mentions that there are other hardware indicator lights on the motherboard, which would illuminate if there were any problems.

Therefore, shut down the system, and the computer cables were connected. Upon opening the server's cover, it was discovered that there was indeed an illuminated amber light on one of the memory slots, finally identifying the problem.

Interestingly, upon opening the cover, a small panel was found hidden inside, displaying the specific hardware component that was experiencing the failure. It is weird why this panel was concealed inside the server.

Upon revisiting the manufacturer's documentation, it was confirmed that this diagnostic panel is indeed located inside the server.

Shioaji 1分k轉成其他分k




第一是轉成其他k分時,會有從左邊算起或右邊算一起的問題,這就會影響到資料的正確性,關於這個,可以參考https://ithelp.ithome.com.tw/articles/10280495 這篇文章,用label跟closed兩個參數去調整資料的正確性。



這時後就要在加一個base的參考,範例可參考 https://towardsdatascience.com/using-the-pandas-resample-function-a231144194c4 這篇最後面‘Base’ Argument的說明。

另外就是1分k只能用日期 去過濾,但裡面會包含到日跟夜盤的資料,如果只要日盤,或是特定時間,就要用between_time這個參考去過濾,範例可去https://geek-docs.com/pandas/pandas-dataframe/python-pandas-dataframe-between_time.html 看看。

Linux nautilus程序佔用cpu效能




The Linux program Nautilus is consuming CPU resources.

While checking the system performance using the "top" command, I noticed that the Nautilus program is utilizing a significant amount of CPU power. However, the overall CPU usage remains low, and it does not affect the overall operation of the system.

Nautilus is a graphical interface program, similar to a file manager. By using the "who" command, I confirmed that there is still an active session logged in through the graphical interface. After connecting to it, I discovered that many folder windows were left open, which were not closed after configuring some settings by other personnel.

By closing these folders and logging into the graphical interface again, these programs disappeared.