
所有網路共用資料夾都連不上 錯誤代碼:0x80004005

 有台win7電腦有時後會突然連不到所有的共用資料夾都連不上 ,錯誤代碼都是0x80004005。




Sometimes a Windows 7 computer suddenly cannot connect to any shared folders, and the error code is always 0x80004005.

However, internet browsing works fine, and pinging the hosts of those shared folders also works.

Upon investigation, it was found that many items were missing from the network card settings of that Windows 7 computer. Normally, it should look like the image below, but the network card settings on that computer only have IPv4 configuration.

To restore the missing functionality, simply click on "Install" at the bottom left, where there are other items to select. After selecting the desired items, they will be installed immediately, but a reboot is required for the changes to take effect.


outlook 自動儲存尚未傳送的郵件







電腦登入後都會啟動一個程式Bright Data

下載格式工廠來做一些影片轉檔時,發現電腦右下角工具列,多了一個程式"Bright data",不知是什麼東西。



https://www.cc.ntu.edu.tw/chinese/cert/cert20230815.asp  這個網頁有提供移除方法。

簡單的說就是用Autoruns.exe或procexp.exe去找搜尋net_updater64.exe、net_updater32.exe及brightdata.exe或服務Brightdata Service是否持續運行,找到就把這個程式刪除。

When downloading Format Factory to perform some video conversions, I noticed a program called "Bright data" appearing in the toolbar at the bottom right corner of my computer screen. I was unsure what it was.

Every time I logged into my computer, it would start up, but I couldn't find it in the Windows startup list, nor was it listed in the installed programs on my computer.

After some investigation, I discovered that it's a program used for internet proxies, but it has been abused by malicious actors, turning personal devices into attack proxies.

This webpage (https://www.cc.ntu.edu.tw/chinese/cert/cert20230815.asp) provides a method for removing it.

In short, you can use Autoruns.exe or procexp.exe to search for net_updater64.exe, net_updater32.exe, and brightdata.exe, or check if the Brightdata Service is continuously running. Once found, you can delete the program.


ESXI 7.0 安裝好WINDOWS 2019 無法使用ctrl alt del

剛裝好一台 ESXI 7.0,在上面建好一台win2019的虛擬機後,要傳送ctrl +alt +del做登入時,都沒反應。


後來發現是因為裝好後,通常都會直接選擇"開啟瀏覽器主控台",然後操作,有時後傳送ctrl +alt +del會失效。

改用"啟動遠端主管台"來傳送ctrl +alt +del,就可以了。

Just installed an ESXi 7.0 server, and after setting up a Windows Server 2019 virtual machine on it, I found that pressing ctrl + alt + del to log in doesn't work.

I've encountered a similar issue before, usually caused by Windows updates or installing VMtools. However, this time, even after setting up Windows Server 2019, I couldn't log in.

Later, I realized that after installation, I typically chose "Open Browser Console" directly, and sometimes sending ctrl + alt + del wouldn't work.

Switching to "Launch Remote Console" to send ctrl + alt + del solved the issue.









 有時後用EDGE在瀏覽網頁時,看到一些PDF檔,EDGE可以直接顯示,不用另存成PDF檔,再用 PDF reader開啟。



Sometimes, when browsing web pages using EDGE, you may come across PDF files that EDGE can display directly without the need to save them as PDF files and then open them with a PDF reader.

If you prefer to save the PDF file directly instead of opening it in EDGE, you can adjust the registry to achieve this.

If you cannot find this registry entry, you can manually add it yourself and ensure that the changes take effect after restarting your computer.


WIN10 安裝framework 3.5失敗 0X800F0954

 win10在裝framework 3.5一直失敗,錯誤代碼是 0X800F0954 。

有人說要去HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU\ 裡面調機碼,把UseWUServer的值改成0。


Windows 10 fails to install Framework 3.5, and the error code is 0X800F0954.

Some suggest modifying the registry key at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU\ by changing the value of UseWUServer to 0.

However, it was found that the registry key was not present on the computer, so it was manually added. After configuring and restarting, the installation was successful.


WINDOWS複製資料夾 包含權限




指令: robocopy D:\A D:\B /E /COPYALL

If you want to completely copy the entire A folder, including its permissions and all data inside, and rename it to B folder, you can use the built-in command robocopy.

Ensure that the B folder does not exist before executing the command.

Command: robocopy D:\A D:\B /E /COPYALL


WINDOWS 檔案總管內點選檔案時速度很慢



User feedback indicates that when he opens a PDF file in File Explorer, it works fine. However, when he tries to open another PDF file after that, the file doesn't open immediately; instead, it takes several seconds. He believes there is an issue with the program.

Even after reinstalling the program, the problem persists. Later, it was discovered that within File Explorer, there is a feature to open a preview pane. When this feature is disabled, there is no longer a delay issue when opening different files consecutively.


python py轉exe後執行失敗


轉出來後卻無法執行,錯誤訊息是說numpy有問題(Error importing numpy: you should not try to import numpy from....)


但卻產生另一個錯誤(ImportError: Missing optional dependency 'xlrd'. Install xlrd >= 1.0.0 for Excel support Use pip or conda to install xlrd)

查到最後也是版本的問題,最快的方法就是重做一個虛擬環境,python是3.8.1,然後pip install pandas跟openpyxl,xlrd跟numpy的問題就沒了。

I have been updating a Python file recently, and after the updates, I need to convert it to an executable using pyinstaller. The script relies on two packages, pandas and openpyxl.

However, after the conversion, the executable cannot run, and the error message indicates an issue with numpy (Error importing numpy: you should not try to import numpy from....). It turns out that this issue arose because of the version of Python being too new (3.9.x) when installing pandas. I resolved this by creating a new virtual environment and downgrading to Python 3.6.

However, this led to another error (ImportError: Missing optional dependency 'xlrd'. Install xlrd >= 1.0.0 for Excel support. Use pip or conda to install xlrd). After investigation, I found that this was also a version-related problem. The quickest solution was to create a new virtual environment with Python 3.8.1 and then install pandas and openpyxl using pip. This resolved the issues with xlrd and numpy.