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顯示具有 Microsoft 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章






Your computer is missing api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll.

On certain computers, when running certain programs, an error message may appear stating "Your computer is missing api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll," causing the program to fail to launch.

Reinstalling the program does not resolve the issue because this .dll file is provided by another program, namely Microsoft's C++ redistributable package.

To resolve this problem, you need to download and reinstall the C++ redistributable package. This will ensure that the missing api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll file is properly installed on your computer.


OUTLOOK很舊的信變亂碼 比較新的信正常

但 在查詢一些信件時發現一個怪事,大概在2013年以前的信件,全變成亂碼。之後的信件,卻都正常。

Old emails in Outlook are displayed as garbled characters, while newer emails appear normal. 
Due to a computer upgrade, the PST file from the old computer was transferred to the new computer. However, upon checking some emails, a strange issue was discovered. Emails dated before approximately 2013 appeared as garbled characters, while those after that period appeared correctly.

The emails displayed correctly on the old computer, so additional testing was conducted on two other computers. It was found that the same PST file exhibited this issue on certain computers but not on others, regardless of the version of Outlook or Windows being used. Eventually, it was discovered that the encoding settings within Outlook were causing the problem.

Changing the encoding to BIG5 resolved the issue and prevented the garbled characters. However, it is still recommended to use UTF8 encoding for general use, as it is more widely supported. The BIG5 encoding should be used only when accessing old data that is affected by this issue.


OUTLOOK無法直接開啟PPT附件 另存也不行




On a particular computer, Outlook was unable to directly open PowerPoint attachments. Even after saving them and attempting to open, an error would occur, preventing normal operation.
However, the same email with the PowerPoint attachment could be opened without issues on other computers using Outlook. Therefore, the problem seemed to be specific to that individual computer.
Eventually, the issue was resolved by adjusting the settings in PowerPoint and disabling the protected view.



 今天把win10 iso做成安裝usb,重灌的時後,居然在過程中,找不到任何硬碟,換了不同的win10版本也是,這台筆電是這兩年出的,怎麼會這樣。



when creating a Windows 10 installation USB from an ISO file and attempting to reinstall the operating system, no hard drives were detected during the process. Even after trying different versions of Windows 10, the issue persisted. This laptop was released within the past two years, so it was unexpected.

After conducting an online search, it was discovered that a specific driver was missing. It was necessary to download the driver and save it to a USB drive. During the reinstallation process, the driver needed to be loaded in order to detect the hard drives. For detailed instructions, please refer to the following website:



遠端桌面連線 查詢來源IP


Event Viewer > Applications and Services Logs > Microsoft > Windows > TerminalServices-LocalSessionManager > Operational


Event ID 21 : 工作階段登入成功

Event ID 24 : 工作階段已中斷連線

Event ID 25 : 工作階段重新連線成功


netstat -n | find ":3389" | find "ESTABLISHED"

To inquire about the source IP of a remote desktop connection, you can navigate to the Event Viewer. If you suspect that your computer has been accessed via a remote desktop connection and you wish to determine the source IP, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the Event Viewer.

  2. Navigate to Applications and Services Logs > Microsoft > Windows > TerminalServices-LocalSessionManager > Operational.

  3. Search for events with the following three IDs:

    • Event ID 21: Successful session login.
    • Event ID 24: Disconnected session.
    • Event ID 25: Reconnected session.

Alternatively, you can use the following command to perform a faster query:

netstat -n | find ":3389" | find "ESTABLISHED"


outlook 主旨無法排序 "無法依據這個欄位排序"





Users reported that they were unable to sort their emails in Outlook's inbox by subject, and encountered an error message saying "Cannot sort by this column."

Sorting by other columns worked without any issues. Initially, the suggested solutions found using this error message were ineffective, and further investigation was not conducted due to other pressing computer issues.

However, even after resolving the other Outlook problems on the computer, this sorting issue persisted. Upon closer examination, it was discovered that the column header was not "Subject" but rather "Subject (Work)." The column settings were opened, and a comparison with other Outlook instances revealed that the normal display should be "Subject."

It was unclear how the user had changed it to "Subject (Work)," but this column was inherently unsortable. Simply changing it back to "Subject" resolved the issue.


MS Project 2016 無法登入"很抱歉 發生暫時性的伺服器問題"

 在使用租用一年的MS Project2016版時,要先去office365下載安裝程式,安裝完後執行程式時,需要做登入,登入有授權使用的帳號,才能使用Project上的功能。

但按下登入時,無法正常出現登入的視窗提供輸入,反而是顯示"很抱歉 發生暫時性的伺服器問題"。

一開始以為是OS的問題,但試了其他台的WIN7 OR WIN10,都OK。



"Unable to log in to MS Project 2016" Sorry, there was a temporary server issue.

When using the one-year subscription of MS Project 2016, you need to first download the installation program from Office 365. After installation, when you run the program, you are required to log in with an authorized account in order to access the features of Project.

However, when you click on the login button, the login window doesn't appear as expected and instead shows the message "Sorry, there was a temporary server issue."

Initially, it was thought to be an issue with the operating system (OS), but after trying on other computers running Windows 7 or Windows 10, it worked fine.

Later, it was considered that it might be an issue with the local version of Office, but on other computers with Office 2010, there were no problems. However, when using versions 2007 or 2010 on the user's computer, the issue persisted.

Finally, it was discovered that the user's computer had only Internet Explorer 9 installed. After upgrading to Internet Explorer 11, the login window for Project started functioning properly. 


solidworks 無法開啟 stp 一直顯示"程序進行中"





後來發現,原來是檔案的路徑跟檔名, 都不能有中文,就可以正常開啟了。





 有一台win7電腦連不到區網內任何一個共用資料夾,錯誤訊息都是無法存取 \\xxxx,錯誤代碼0x80070035


然後看了一下網卡的內容發現,裡面的東西好像有點少,比對一下其他正常的win7發現少了一個"Client for Microsoft Network",直接選擇安裝,然後就可以加回去,連到其他的共用資料夾了。

A Windows 7 computer was unable to connect to any shared folders on the local network, displaying an error message stating "Cannot access \xxxx" with error code 0x80070035.

Several solutions were found during research, including suggestions related to Windows updates or adjusting local security policies, but none of them proved effective.

Upon inspecting the network card settings, it was noticed that some components were missing compared to other functioning Windows 7 computers. Specifically, the "Client for Microsoft Networks" was absent. Selecting the option to install it directly resolved the issue, allowing the computer to connect to other shared folders once again.


outlook2010另存附件錯誤 : 無法儲存附件。無法建立檔案


在 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Outlook\Security\
裡面有一個 OutlookSecureTempFolder參數,把它的值改到任一一個使用者能存取的完整資料夾路徑,當做暫存資料夾就行了。

When attempting to open or save attachments in Outlook 2010, an error occurs, preventing normal operations. The following error message is displayed:

The cause of this issue lies in the Outlook settings, where a specific path for a temporary file is specified. If there is a problem with this path, it can lead to abnormal behavior when accessing attachments. To resolve this, you need to make changes to the registry using regedit.

Navigate to the following key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Outlook\Security\

Within this key, locate the parameter "OutlookSecureTempFolder" and modify its value to a complete folder path that can be accessed by the user. This new folder path will serve as the temporary folder for storing attachments.

舊筆電 連不到新WIFI 無線網路




沒想到真是如此,可以參 考這一篇,主要是新的ap已經開始用802.11ax的協定了,但比較舊的網卡不支援,也沒有什麼向下相容的機制,就必須做驅動的更新才行,intel有直接提供更新的驅動可以使用。


Recently, some users have reported that after replacing their wireless access point (AP) at home, their laptops are no longer able to detect the Wi-Fi network. However, other devices in their homes can still connect without any issues.

The laptops cannot even see the Wi-Fi network's SSID, making it impossible to establish a connection. Strangely, Wi-Fi connections at their workplaces or on their smartphones work fine, which adds to the confusion.

As this issue is not isolated to a single case, it raises the suspicion that the newer Wi-Fi protocol may not be compatible with older wireless network cards.

Indeed, this turns out to be the case. You can refer to the article provided for more information. The main issue is that the new AP is using the 802.11ax protocol, which is not supported by older network cards. Unfortunately, there is no backward compatibility mechanism in place. The solution is to update the drivers, and Intel provides updated drivers for this purpose.

You can find further details and instructions in the following article:



顯示器驅動程式 igfx 停止回應,並已順利恢復。

 某款ACER的筆電都有這個通病,電腦用到一半就會跳"顯示器驅動程式 igfx 停止回應,並已順利恢復。"的錯誤,目前解法就是

開始 -> 執行 -> regedit
進入 HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers

Windows 32 位元

新增 [DWORD (32 位元)] 值。

Windows 64 位元

新增 [DWORD (64 位元)] 值。

A specific issue commonly found in certain models of ACER laptops is the error message "Display driver igfx stopped responding and has successfully recovered" that occurs when using the computer. Currently, the workaround for this issue is as follows:

Click on the Start menu, then go to Run.

Type "regedit" and press Enter to open the Registry Editor.

Navigate to the following path: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers

For Windows 32-bit:

4. Create a new DWORD (32-bit) value.

Name: TdrDelay

Value: 8

For Windows 64-bit:

4. Create a new DWORD (64-bit) value.

Name: TdrDelay

Value: 8

By adding this registry value, you can adjust the TDR (Timeout Detection and Recovery) delay to a higher value, allowing more time for the graphics driver to respond before the error is triggered. This adjustment may help prevent the display driver from stopping and recovering frequently.





When running Outlook on a new installation of Windows 10 after installing Office, you may encounter an error message stating, "There is no email program associated to perform the requested action. Please install an email program or, if one is already installed, create an association in the Default Programs control panel."

While Outlook functions properly, this error message intermittently appears, causing annoyance. Even after setting Outlook as the default email program in the Default Programs control panel, the issue persists. In such cases, performing a repair of the Office installation through the "Add or Remove Programs" feature can resolve the problem.


電腦螢幕出現 "顯示器驅動程式 igfx 停止回應,並已順利恢復"

 有些電腦有時後都會突然跳出 "顯示器驅動程式 igfx 停止回應,並已順利恢復。"的錯誤,螢幕就會突然變黑,然後又正常,有點煩人。


在 HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers

如果是32位元的電腦,就新增 [DWORD (32 位元)] 。

名稱:TdrDelay ,值:8

如果是 Windows 64 位元,就新增 [DWORD (64 位元)] 。




Anydesk 連線 鍵盤錯亂 視窗亂跳


所以判斷不是鍵盤的問題,後來有查到,原來是有時後Anydesk不知為啥會讓鍵盤上的windows鍵被咬住,所以當你按了A這個鍵,系統其實會收到windows + A,變成一個組合鍵,然後就會開啟或跳到某些程式。


AnyDesk connection: Keyboard malfunction and random window jumps.

After connecting to another computer using AnyDesk, everything seems to work fine initially. However, sometimes, in the middle of using it, when I press certain keys, a window of another program suddenly pops up. It's quite strange and has been bothering me for a while. Restarting AnyDesk resolves the issue.

So, I ruled out the keyboard as the problem. Later, I found out that sometimes AnyDesk somehow causes the Windows key on the keyboard to get stuck. So, when you press a key like "A," the system actually receives "Windows + A," which becomes a combination key and opens or switches to certain programs.

The solution doesn't require restarting AnyDesk. You just need to press the Windows key once, and the combination key setting will be released.


OUTLOOK2010 在列印郵件時,裡面的圖檔不會顯示 印不出來




In Outlook 2010, if the email contains images and you encounter issues where the images do not appear or print when previewing the print layout, it can be a peculiar problem. Here's a suggested solution:

Close Outlook 2010 completely.

Open the Control Panel on your computer.

Search for "Mail" or "Mail (32-bit)" and click on it to open the Mail Setup dialog box.

In the Mail Setup dialog box, click on the "Show Profiles" button.

Select your Outlook profile from the list and click on the "Remove" button.

Note: This will remove your existing Outlook profile, so ensure you have a backup of your email data if necessary.

Once the profile is removed, close the Mail Setup dialog box and reopen Outlook.

Outlook will prompt you to create a new profile. Follow the on-screen instructions to set up a new profile.

Once the new profile is created, test printing an email with images to see if the issue is resolved.

By creating a new Outlook profile, you are essentially starting with a fresh configuration, which can help resolve any settings-related issues that may be causing the problem with images not appearing or printing correctly in Outlook 2010.






在outlook的畫面中,按下"alt + f11",然後就會開啟一個vba的編輯畫面,然後將下列的程式碼碼上,記得在第二個的地方,要把路徑改成你的pst檔案的資料夾路徑,然後執行,就成功了。

Sub BatchOpenMultiplePSTFiles()

Call LoopFolders("E:\")

MsgBox "Open Successfully!", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "Open Outlook Data File"

End Sub

Sub LoopFolders(strPath As String)

Dim objFileSystem As Object

Dim objFolder As Object

Dim objFile As Object

Dim objPSTFile As Object

Set objFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set objFolder = objFileSystem.GetFolder(strPath)

For Each objFile In objFolder.Files

strFileExtension = objFileSystem.GetExtensionName(objFile)

If LCase(strFileExtension) = "pst" Then

Set objPSTFile = objFile

Outlook.Application.Session.AddStore (objPSTFile.Path)

End If


If objFolder.SubFolders.Count > 0 Then

For Each objSubFolder In objFolder.SubFolders

If ((objSubFolder.Attributes And 2) = 0) And ((objSubFolder.Attributes And 4) = 0) Then

LoopFolders (objSubFolder.Path)

End If


End If

End Sub


WIN7藍底白字當機 0xc0000185 There was error with disk hardware

有一台acer win7電腦,三不五時會出現藍底白字的當機。


ERROR_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000185 - I/O    m   i @   I/O    ~ C

DISK_HARDWARE_ERROR: There was error with disk hardware

MODULE_NAME: ataport

IMAGE_NAME:  ataport.SYS

看來是硬碟快壞了,檢查超久,而且有顯示windows replaced bad clusters的相關訊息,看來要趕快換硬碟了。


outlook2010 會議邀請內容都是亂碼




WIN10 電腦 BitLocker 正在加密

 最近買了DELL 筆電,在設定時突然發現磁碟有用BitLocker加密了,C跟D槽都是,因為這功能平常也都沒在用,所以就想要把它關了,但在BitLocker的設定介面裡,是沒開啟的,突然不知怎麼讓它們不要加密。

後來查到是用 manage-bde -off x: 就可以了,x是指你要關閉加密功能的磁區。

