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新買的asus 筆電安裝win10找不到硬碟

 新買的asus 筆電是win11,要重灌在win10。



The newly purchased ASUS laptop came with Windows 11, but I need to reinstall it with Windows 10.

However, during the installation process, I couldn't find any hard drives (there is one M.2 and one SATA hard drive inside).

To solve this, I had to enter the BIOS, navigate to the "Advanced" settings, find "Storage Interface," and change the SATA operation setting from RAID to AHCI. After doing this and trying again, all the hard drives were detected.


新買的asus 筆電找不到secure boot選項

 新買的asus win11筆電需要降級裝win10,插入安裝win10的usb,就會出現"secure boot violation invalid signature detected. check secure boot policy in setup"的錯誤。

看到這個就是去bios把secure boot的功能關掉就對了,但進到bios裡,卻一直找不到。

後來才查到,要先把fast boot的功能關閉,secure boot的選項才會出現。

The newly purchased ASUS Win11 laptop needs to be downgraded to install Win10. When inserting the Win10 installation USB, an error message "secure boot violation invalid signature detected. Check secure boot policy in setup" appears.

To resolve this, you need to disable the secure boot feature in the BIOS. However, upon entering the BIOS, the option was not found.

Later it was discovered that the fast boot feature needs to be disabled first for the secure boot option to appear.


win10電腦麥克風沒反應 收不到音

某台asus win10的筆電內建麥克風跟外接耳麥,都收不到音。



在換回win10 後,突然想到,去設定裡面看看,結果發現在"隱私權"裡面有一個"麥克風"的設定,有一個"存取此裝置的麥克風"居然是關閉的,改成開啟後,麥克風就正常了。

An ASUS laptop running Windows 10 had issues with both the built-in microphone and external headset not picking up any sound. Even though the devices were detected in the Device Manager, updating the drivers didn't solve the problem.

Later, when a spare hard drive was installed and Windows 11 was installed on it, surprisingly, there were no issues with the microphone. This suggested that there was no hardware fault.

Upon reverting back to Windows 10, checked the settings. It was discovered that under "Privacy," there was a setting for "Microphone," and the option to "Allow apps to access your microphone" was inexplicably turned off. After toggling it on, the microphone started working properly again.


所有網路共用資料夾都連不上 錯誤代碼:0x80004005

 有台win7電腦有時後會突然連不到所有的共用資料夾都連不上 ,錯誤代碼都是0x80004005。




Sometimes a Windows 7 computer suddenly cannot connect to any shared folders, and the error code is always 0x80004005.

However, internet browsing works fine, and pinging the hosts of those shared folders also works.

Upon investigation, it was found that many items were missing from the network card settings of that Windows 7 computer. Normally, it should look like the image below, but the network card settings on that computer only have IPv4 configuration.

To restore the missing functionality, simply click on "Install" at the bottom left, where there are other items to select. After selecting the desired items, they will be installed immediately, but a reboot is required for the changes to take effect.


電腦登入後都會啟動一個程式Bright Data

下載格式工廠來做一些影片轉檔時,發現電腦右下角工具列,多了一個程式"Bright data",不知是什麼東西。



https://www.cc.ntu.edu.tw/chinese/cert/cert20230815.asp  這個網頁有提供移除方法。

簡單的說就是用Autoruns.exe或procexp.exe去找搜尋net_updater64.exe、net_updater32.exe及brightdata.exe或服務Brightdata Service是否持續運行,找到就把這個程式刪除。

When downloading Format Factory to perform some video conversions, I noticed a program called "Bright data" appearing in the toolbar at the bottom right corner of my computer screen. I was unsure what it was.

Every time I logged into my computer, it would start up, but I couldn't find it in the Windows startup list, nor was it listed in the installed programs on my computer.

After some investigation, I discovered that it's a program used for internet proxies, but it has been abused by malicious actors, turning personal devices into attack proxies.

This webpage (https://www.cc.ntu.edu.tw/chinese/cert/cert20230815.asp) provides a method for removing it.

In short, you can use Autoruns.exe or procexp.exe to search for net_updater64.exe, net_updater32.exe, and brightdata.exe, or check if the Brightdata Service is continuously running. Once found, you can delete the program.


ESXI 7.0 安裝好WINDOWS 2019 無法使用ctrl alt del

剛裝好一台 ESXI 7.0,在上面建好一台win2019的虛擬機後,要傳送ctrl +alt +del做登入時,都沒反應。


後來發現是因為裝好後,通常都會直接選擇"開啟瀏覽器主控台",然後操作,有時後傳送ctrl +alt +del會失效。

改用"啟動遠端主管台"來傳送ctrl +alt +del,就可以了。

Just installed an ESXi 7.0 server, and after setting up a Windows Server 2019 virtual machine on it, I found that pressing ctrl + alt + del to log in doesn't work.

I've encountered a similar issue before, usually caused by Windows updates or installing VMtools. However, this time, even after setting up Windows Server 2019, I couldn't log in.

Later, I realized that after installation, I typically chose "Open Browser Console" directly, and sometimes sending ctrl + alt + del wouldn't work.

Switching to "Launch Remote Console" to send ctrl + alt + del solved the issue.


WIN10 安裝framework 3.5失敗 0X800F0954

 win10在裝framework 3.5一直失敗,錯誤代碼是 0X800F0954 。

有人說要去HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU\ 裡面調機碼,把UseWUServer的值改成0。


Windows 10 fails to install Framework 3.5, and the error code is 0X800F0954.

Some suggest modifying the registry key at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU\ by changing the value of UseWUServer to 0.

However, it was found that the registry key was not present on the computer, so it was manually added. After configuring and restarting, the installation was successful.


WINDOWS 檔案總管內點選檔案時速度很慢



User feedback indicates that when he opens a PDF file in File Explorer, it works fine. However, when he tries to open another PDF file after that, the file doesn't open immediately; instead, it takes several seconds. He believes there is an issue with the program.

Even after reinstalling the program, the problem persists. Later, it was discovered that within File Explorer, there is a feature to open a preview pane. When this feature is disabled, there is no longer a delay issue when opening different files consecutively.


python py轉exe後執行失敗


轉出來後卻無法執行,錯誤訊息是說numpy有問題(Error importing numpy: you should not try to import numpy from....)


但卻產生另一個錯誤(ImportError: Missing optional dependency 'xlrd'. Install xlrd >= 1.0.0 for Excel support Use pip or conda to install xlrd)

查到最後也是版本的問題,最快的方法就是重做一個虛擬環境,python是3.8.1,然後pip install pandas跟openpyxl,xlrd跟numpy的問題就沒了。

I have been updating a Python file recently, and after the updates, I need to convert it to an executable using pyinstaller. The script relies on two packages, pandas and openpyxl.

However, after the conversion, the executable cannot run, and the error message indicates an issue with numpy (Error importing numpy: you should not try to import numpy from....). It turns out that this issue arose because of the version of Python being too new (3.9.x) when installing pandas. I resolved this by creating a new virtual environment and downgrading to Python 3.6.

However, this led to another error (ImportError: Missing optional dependency 'xlrd'. Install xlrd >= 1.0.0 for Excel support. Use pip or conda to install xlrd). After investigation, I found that this was also a version-related problem. The quickest solution was to create a new virtual environment with Python 3.8.1 and then install pandas and openpyxl using pip. This resolved the issues with xlrd and numpy.


solidworks 2015 無法點兩下檔案直接開啟 swshellfilelauncher 嘗試開啟您的檔案時發生錯誤

 solidworks 2015 安裝好之後,程式可正常開啟,開啟舊檔/新檔都正常。

但是如果在資料夾內對著檔案直接連點兩下開啟時,solidworks有啟動,但會跳出一個swshellfilelauncher 的錯誤視窗,內容是嘗試開啟您的檔案時發生錯誤

解法就是對著檔案按右鍵,選擇用"solidworks launcher"開啟檔案。
如果還是不行,一樣是對著檔案按右鍵,選擇預設程式,然後到solidworks的安裝目錄中找到swshellfilelauncher ,設定用該程式來開啟圖檔,就可以了。

After installing SolidWorks 2015, the program opens successfully, and both opening existing files and creating new files work as expected. However, if you double-click a file directly within a folder, SolidWorks launches but displays an error window titled "swshellfilelauncher," stating that an error occurred while trying to open your file.

The solution is to right-click on the file, choose "Open with SolidWorks Launcher." If this doesn't resolve the issue, right-click on the file again, select "Open with," and navigate to the SolidWorks installation directory to find swshellfilelauncher . Set it as the default program for opening image files, and the problem should be resolved.


無法使用IP連線共用資料夾 錯誤訊息 0x80004005


使用 \\電腦名稱\ 連線,會跳出帳號密碼驗證,接著輸入 網域\使用者帳號 做登入,沒問題。

但使用 \\IP\ 連線,會跳出帳號密碼驗證,接著輸入 網域\使用者帳號 做登入,會跳錯誤,代碼是 0x80004005。


後來是會跳出帳號密碼驗證時,輸入 使用者帳號@網域,就成功了,很特別的狀況。

A Windows 2012 computer logged in locally attempts to connect to a shared folder.

When connecting to \\HostName\, a username and password prompt appears. Entering Domain\Username works without issue.

However, when connecting to \\IP\, a username and password prompt appears. Entering Domain\Username results in an error code of 0x80004005.

After trying some methods found online, such as changing registry keys and Group Policy security, the issue was not resolved.

Finally, entering Username@Domain at the username and password prompt resolved the issue.


centos執行指令出現錯誤 cannot execute binary file

 在centos上安裝好不斷電系統的agent後,執行程式時,會出現 cannot execute binary file的錯誤訊息。



先執行uname -m,查到系統是i686的。

接著執行 file 執行檔名稱,結果該檔案是x86-64,所以不相容,只好放棄。

After installing the uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system agent on CentOS, an error message "cannot execute binary file" is encountered when attempting to run the program.

It was later discovered that the issue arises from a different system architecture. When executing uname -m, it was found that the system is i686. Subsequently, running the file command on the executable revealed that the file is x86-64, indicating an incompatibility issue. As a result, the execution had to be abandoned.


Edge用IE模式開網頁出現錯誤訊息 "Internet Explorer 已修改這網頁以協助防止跨網站指令碼攻擊"


在透過Edge的IE模式開啟某個內部網頁時,無法正常顯示內容,下方出現"Internet Explorer 已修改這網頁以協助防止跨網站指令碼攻擊"的錯誤訊息。

When opening an internal web page in IE mode of Edge, the content cannot be displayed normally. The error message "Internet Explorer has modified this page to help prevent cross-site scripting attacks" appears below.

At this time, go to the Internet Options in Control Panel, find the area to which this page belongs in Security, open the Custom Level, find Enable XSS Filter, and disable it.




先確認PDF檔都是可直接用Acrobat PDF Reader開啟,WORD試著插入EXCEL物件也正常。

所以就決定先重裝Acrobat PDF Reader,結果就解決問題了。

When trying to insert a PDF file into a Word document using the "Insert Object" function, the following error message appears: "This object was created using the Acrobat program. This program is not installed on your computer. Please install Acrobat or make sure that all Acrobat dialog boxes are closed."

I confirmed that the PDF files could be opened directly using Acrobat Reader. I also tried inserting an Excel object into a Word document, and that worked fine.

Based on these findings, I decided to reinstall Acrobat Reader. After doing so, the problem was resolved.


有些筆電接HDMI無法投影 接D-SUB卻正常



Recently purchased laptops using HDMI to connect to the projector will display "No device connected". D-SUB can be connected normally. Other old laptops can connect normally in both ways.

At first, I thought it was because of the adapters in the middle. Later, I found out that it was because the new laptop has a high resolution, while the projector is old and has a low resolution. If the projector is connected in "Synced display" mode, the projector's image cannot be projected. You need to change to "Only second monitor display" or lower the laptop's resolution to be able to project normally.


VMWARE匯入OVA失敗-硬體系列 vmx-18 不受支援

在新建虛擬機,從esxi要匯入一個 ova檔時,最後一步出現錯誤:硬體系列 vmx-18 不受支援


When creating a new virtual machine, an error occurs in the last step when importing an ova file from ESXi: "Hardware series vmx-18 is not supported."

The reason for this error is that the ova was created with a newer version of ESXi and is now being imported to an older version of ESXi, which does not support the vmx-18 hardware series. The solution is to upgrade ESXi to a version that supports the vmx-18 hardware series.


更新KESS到最新版3.2後 無法連線到中控台Server

將KESS升級到最新版後,連同Network Agent也一起更新到14版。

裝好後卻一直無法跟中控台連線,測了一下發現是Network Agent 有啟用,但連不到中控台。

原來是Network Agent 14版不支援比較舊的作業系統了,規格可參考下列的kaspersky官網說明


After upgrading KESS to the latest version, the Network Agent  were also updated to version 14.

After installation, the connection to the central console was not possible. Testing revealed that the Network Agent were running, but could not connect to the central console.

It turned out that Network Agent version 14 no longer supports older operating systems. The specifications can be found in the following Kaspersky website documentation:







The Windows10 laptop microphone suddenly stopped working, but the device is still there.

Reinstalling the driver did not work.

You can try logging in with a different account. Sometimes it is a profile issue. If the microphone works normally when you log in with a different account, you can rebuild the user profile with the problem.


OCS Inventory 多筆重複電腦

 OCS Inventory 是一套免費的資產盤點軟體。






OCS Inventory is a free asset inventory software.

When using it, you may notice that the same computer is listed multiple times. This can lead to inaccurate software inventory quantities.

For example, if you only have one copy of a software installed on a computer, but that computer is listed three times in the inventory, the software will think you have three copies installed.

To fix this, you can use the "Manage"-->"Duplicates" function to merge duplicate computers.

This function lets you choose the criteria you want to use to merge computers. There are a few pre-defined criteria, or you can create your own.

Once you've selected the criteria, you'll see a list of all the duplicate computers. You can click on each one to see more information.

To merge a duplicate computer, check the box next to it. Once you've selected all the computers you want to merge, click the "Merge" button.

The system will then merge the duplicate computers into a single entry.

安裝Kaspersky 的KESS,出現電腦上遺失SHA-256(SHA-2)數位簽章支援的錯誤訊息。


安裝Kaspersky 的KESS防毒軟體時,出現電腦上遺失SHA-256(SHA-2)數位簽章支援的錯誤訊息。
可參 考錯誤訊息下方的說明網站。

When installing Kaspersky's KESS antivirus software, an error message may appear indicating that the computer is missing SHA-256 (SHA-2) digital signature support. This is because Kaspersky uses SHA-2 to verify the authenticity of its software and files.

To fix this error, you need to install the kb4474419 update. This update is available from Microsoft's website.
Once you have installed the update, you should be able to install Kaspersky's KESS software without any problems.