
solidworks 2015 無法點兩下檔案直接開啟 swshellfilelauncher 嘗試開啟您的檔案時發生錯誤

 solidworks 2015 安裝好之後,程式可正常開啟,開啟舊檔/新檔都正常。

但是如果在資料夾內對著檔案直接連點兩下開啟時,solidworks有啟動,但會跳出一個swshellfilelauncher 的錯誤視窗,內容是嘗試開啟您的檔案時發生錯誤

解法就是對著檔案按右鍵,選擇用"solidworks launcher"開啟檔案。
如果還是不行,一樣是對著檔案按右鍵,選擇預設程式,然後到solidworks的安裝目錄中找到swshellfilelauncher ,設定用該程式來開啟圖檔,就可以了。

After installing SolidWorks 2015, the program opens successfully, and both opening existing files and creating new files work as expected. However, if you double-click a file directly within a folder, SolidWorks launches but displays an error window titled "swshellfilelauncher," stating that an error occurred while trying to open your file.

The solution is to right-click on the file, choose "Open with SolidWorks Launcher." If this doesn't resolve the issue, right-click on the file again, select "Open with," and navigate to the SolidWorks installation directory to find swshellfilelauncher . Set it as the default program for opening image files, and the problem should be resolved.


Shioaji 觸價停損

 Shioaji的官網上有提到怎麼做觸價停損: https://sinotrade.github.io/zh_TW/tutor/advanced/quote_binding/#_3








廣告回復了 但流量好像變少了




 大概三四個月前發現google adsense一直沒收入,雖然收入本來就超少,但完全是零也蠻怪的。

後來在google adsense後台發現有找不到ads.txt的錯誤訊息。

這個也很怪,我直接在網址列去輸入,都能正常顯示ads.txt,但google adsense卻一直說找不到。

後來就是在帳戶設定裡重新驗證商家網域,google adsense就顯示ads.txt正常了。

但沒多久google adsense又說找不到ads.txt了。就一樣的方式重新驗證。




無法使用IP連線共用資料夾 錯誤訊息 0x80004005


使用 \\電腦名稱\ 連線,會跳出帳號密碼驗證,接著輸入 網域\使用者帳號 做登入,沒問題。

但使用 \\IP\ 連線,會跳出帳號密碼驗證,接著輸入 網域\使用者帳號 做登入,會跳錯誤,代碼是 0x80004005。


後來是會跳出帳號密碼驗證時,輸入 使用者帳號@網域,就成功了,很特別的狀況。

A Windows 2012 computer logged in locally attempts to connect to a shared folder.

When connecting to \\HostName\, a username and password prompt appears. Entering Domain\Username works without issue.

However, when connecting to \\IP\, a username and password prompt appears. Entering Domain\Username results in an error code of 0x80004005.

After trying some methods found online, such as changing registry keys and Group Policy security, the issue was not resolved.

Finally, entering Username@Domain at the username and password prompt resolved the issue.


centos執行指令出現錯誤 cannot execute binary file

 在centos上安裝好不斷電系統的agent後,執行程式時,會出現 cannot execute binary file的錯誤訊息。



先執行uname -m,查到系統是i686的。

接著執行 file 執行檔名稱,結果該檔案是x86-64,所以不相容,只好放棄。

After installing the uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system agent on CentOS, an error message "cannot execute binary file" is encountered when attempting to run the program.

It was later discovered that the issue arises from a different system architecture. When executing uname -m, it was found that the system is i686. Subsequently, running the file command on the executable revealed that the file is x86-64, indicating an incompatibility issue. As a result, the execution had to be abandoned.


Edge用IE模式開網頁出現錯誤訊息 "Internet Explorer 已修改這網頁以協助防止跨網站指令碼攻擊"


在透過Edge的IE模式開啟某個內部網頁時,無法正常顯示內容,下方出現"Internet Explorer 已修改這網頁以協助防止跨網站指令碼攻擊"的錯誤訊息。

When opening an internal web page in IE mode of Edge, the content cannot be displayed normally. The error message "Internet Explorer has modified this page to help prevent cross-site scripting attacks" appears below.

At this time, go to the Internet Options in Control Panel, find the area to which this page belongs in Security, open the Custom Level, find Enable XSS Filter, and disable it.







kaspersky endpoint protection(KES) 造成chatgpt 無法回應答案





在政策裡面的一般設定-->網路設定-->受信任網域 裡面,把下列幾個網址加進去即可。








Last year, when I used ChatGPT, I was able to log in, but after entering a question and pressing Enter, there was no response.

I later turned off the antivirus software Kes, and it worked normally. At the time, the version was older, so upgrading it fixed the problem.

However, the issue has occurred again in the past few days. Although Kes has a newer version, it is not much different from the current version. So, I contacted the support vendor.

The vendor determined that the issue was caused by a certificate. Adding the following URLs to the trusted domain will allow ChatGPT responses to be displayed normally.



POWERSHELL 結果匯出成csv 國字變亂碼問號

在用powershell把一些安全性log匯出成csv時,國字 都會變成問號,這時只要把最後匯出成csv的指令,後面在加個用utf8編碼的指令就可以正常顯示了。


 Export-Csv d:\eventlog.csv


 Export-Csv  d:\eventlog.csv -NoTypeInformation -encoding utf8




先確認PDF檔都是可直接用Acrobat PDF Reader開啟,WORD試著插入EXCEL物件也正常。

所以就決定先重裝Acrobat PDF Reader,結果就解決問題了。

When trying to insert a PDF file into a Word document using the "Insert Object" function, the following error message appears: "This object was created using the Acrobat program. This program is not installed on your computer. Please install Acrobat or make sure that all Acrobat dialog boxes are closed."

I confirmed that the PDF files could be opened directly using Acrobat Reader. I also tried inserting an Excel object into a Word document, and that worked fine.

Based on these findings, I decided to reinstall Acrobat Reader. After doing so, the problem was resolved.


有些筆電接HDMI無法投影 接D-SUB卻正常



Recently purchased laptops using HDMI to connect to the projector will display "No device connected". D-SUB can be connected normally. Other old laptops can connect normally in both ways.

At first, I thought it was because of the adapters in the middle. Later, I found out that it was because the new laptop has a high resolution, while the projector is old and has a low resolution. If the projector is connected in "Synced display" mode, the projector's image cannot be projected. You need to change to "Only second monitor display" or lower the laptop's resolution to be able to project normally.


linux mount 沒反應 後來出現 mount.nfs input/output error


過了一下子才會出現 mount.nfs input/output error,這是因為 /etc/init.d/portmap 這個服務沒有啟動的關係,

 先 執行/etc/init.d/portmap status, 確認該服務是stop。

接著用執行啟用的指令/etc/init.d/portmap start,就可以再執行mount的動作了。

A Linux host fails to mount a shared folder from another machine after a reboot. After executing the mount command, the screen is blank.

After a while, an error message "mount.nfs input/output error" appears. This is because the service "/etc/init.d/portmap" is not running.

First, execute the command "/etc/init.d/portmap status" to confirm that the service is stopped.

Then, execute the command "/etc/init.d/portmap start" to start the service. After that, you can mount the shared folder again.


VMWARE匯入OVA失敗-硬體系列 vmx-18 不受支援

在新建虛擬機,從esxi要匯入一個 ova檔時,最後一步出現錯誤:硬體系列 vmx-18 不受支援


When creating a new virtual machine, an error occurs in the last step when importing an ova file from ESXi: "Hardware series vmx-18 is not supported."

The reason for this error is that the ova was created with a newer version of ESXi and is now being imported to an older version of ESXi, which does not support the vmx-18 hardware series. The solution is to upgrade ESXi to a version that supports the vmx-18 hardware series.


更新KESS到最新版3.2後 無法連線到中控台Server

將KESS升級到最新版後,連同Network Agent也一起更新到14版。

裝好後卻一直無法跟中控台連線,測了一下發現是Network Agent 有啟用,但連不到中控台。

原來是Network Agent 14版不支援比較舊的作業系統了,規格可參考下列的kaspersky官網說明


After upgrading KESS to the latest version, the Network Agent  were also updated to version 14.

After installation, the connection to the central console was not possible. Testing revealed that the Network Agent were running, but could not connect to the central console.

It turned out that Network Agent version 14 no longer supports older operating systems. The specifications can be found in the following Kaspersky website documentation:







The Windows10 laptop microphone suddenly stopped working, but the device is still there.

Reinstalling the driver did not work.

You can try logging in with a different account. Sometimes it is a profile issue. If the microphone works normally when you log in with a different account, you can rebuild the user profile with the problem.


Office2010安裝 錯誤1402


執行 secedit /configure /cfg %windir%\inf\defltbase.inf /db defltbase.sdb /verbose 

Office suddenly stopped working, could not be removed, and the installation failed with error code 1402.

Executing the following command will allow you to reinstall Office

secedit /configure /cfg %windir%\inf\defltbase.inf /db defltbase.sdb /verbose








OCS Inventory 多筆重複電腦

 OCS Inventory 是一套免費的資產盤點軟體。






OCS Inventory is a free asset inventory software.

When using it, you may notice that the same computer is listed multiple times. This can lead to inaccurate software inventory quantities.

For example, if you only have one copy of a software installed on a computer, but that computer is listed three times in the inventory, the software will think you have three copies installed.

To fix this, you can use the "Manage"-->"Duplicates" function to merge duplicate computers.

This function lets you choose the criteria you want to use to merge computers. There are a few pre-defined criteria, or you can create your own.

Once you've selected the criteria, you'll see a list of all the duplicate computers. You can click on each one to see more information.

To merge a duplicate computer, check the box next to it. Once you've selected all the computers you want to merge, click the "Merge" button.

The system will then merge the duplicate computers into a single entry.

安裝Kaspersky 的KESS,出現電腦上遺失SHA-256(SHA-2)數位簽章支援的錯誤訊息。


安裝Kaspersky 的KESS防毒軟體時,出現電腦上遺失SHA-256(SHA-2)數位簽章支援的錯誤訊息。
可參 考錯誤訊息下方的說明網站。

When installing Kaspersky's KESS antivirus software, an error message may appear indicating that the computer is missing SHA-256 (SHA-2) digital signature support. This is because Kaspersky uses SHA-2 to verify the authenticity of its software and files.

To fix this error, you need to install the kb4474419 update. This update is available from Microsoft's website.
Once you have installed the update, you should be able to install Kaspersky's KESS software without any problems.


GPO佈署EDGE IE瀏覽模式突然失效 被略過





Originally, we deployed EDGE policies via GPO on users' computers to enable IE browsing mode when opening certain websites.

However, in the past two days, some computers have failed to enable IE browsing mode. After checking the GPO, we confirmed that it is being applied correctly. Therefore, the issue is not with the GPO.

When we opened EDGE and checked the settings, we found that the applied policies were being ignored. However, this was only happening for a small number of users.

After some investigation, we learned that this is because EDGE was recently updated. If a user is logged in to a personal account in EDGE, the policies deployed via GPO will be ignored. Simply logging out of the account will restore normal behavior.


Python Excel書推薦

 Python操作Excel:最強入門邁向辦公室自動化之路 王者歸來



Ultravnc viewer 連線設定

 Ultravnc viewer 在連線時,有時後畫面會太大,或速度比較慢。



先隨便找一台電腦連線,連線之前先把"auto scale"打勾,"quick encoder"選擇"LAN",連後就連線,連上後就可以關閉。

這時到 C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\UltraVNC\,就會看到剛剛那台電腦的連線設定檔。



QuickOption=3 #可將連線速品質預設為MEDIUM,降低連線延遲。

AutoScaling=1 #可自動調整連線視窗大小,符合當前的螢幕尺吋。

UltraVNC viewer may sometimes display too large a screen or be slow when connected.

You can adjust the settings to make the screen automatically fit the current screen size and connection speed.

However, it is too troublesome to adjust it every time you connect. You can directly adjust it in the default values, so it will be automatically applied afterwards.

First, connect to any computer at random. Before connecting, check the "auto scale" and select "LAN" for the "quick encoder". Then connect and close it after connecting.

At this time, go to C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\UltraVNC, and you will see the connection settings file for the computer just now.

Then rename this file to "options" and overwrite the existing file.

This settings file can be opened with Notepad to see the settings. The following two settings correspond to the two values ​​that were just set:

QuickOption=3 #Can set the connection speed quality to MEDIUM by default, reducing connection latency.

AutoScaling=1 #Can automatically adjust the size of the connection window to fit the current screen size.


搭配Google Blogger 的Google Adsense ads.txt一直顯示找不到

 最近Google Blogger流量變多了,但Google Adsense這兩三個月的收入卻都是0,感覺怪怪的。

進到Google Adsense後台看了一下,發現在"網站"這裡面的設定,ads.txt狀態是顯示"找不到"。

看了一下說明,發現設定都對,然後連到 https://網站網址/ads.txt ,資料也有正常顯示。


後來在論壇上看到有人分享,到Google Adsense後面的"設定-->帳戶資料",裡面有一個"賣家資訊顯示設定",要設定成公開,ads.txt馬上就會馬上生效變成"已授權"。


Recently, my Google Blogger traffic has increased, but my Google Adsense income for the past two to three months has been 0. I felt strange.

I went to the Google Adsense backend and checked. I found that the status of ads.txt in the "Website" settings is "Not Found".

I read the instructions and found that the settings are correct. Then I went to https://website-url/ads.txt, and the data was also displayed normally.

I thought that the robots.txt setting in Blogger might be wrong, so I turned off robots.txt, but it didn't work.

Later, I saw someone share on the forum that I should go to the "Settings"->"Account Information" in Google Adsense, and there is a "Seller Information Display Settings". I should set it to "Public", then ads.txt will be effective immediately and become "Authorized".

I tested it, and it really worked immediately. 

Python py轉exe的執行檔太大


原來是因為之前是用Anaconda裝好環 境的,裡面有一大堆套件,在轉換時,也一直被塞進去了。




Converting a Python script into an executable (.exe) file is a convenient way to run the program on systems without Python installed. However, the resulting .exe files tend to be quite large, often several hundred megabytes, even for scripts that are just a few kilobytes in size.

The reason behind this issue is that if you previously developed your code within an Anaconda environment, it likely included a multitude of packages and dependencies. During the conversion process, these dependencies are also bundled into the executable, contributing to its substantial size increase.

To address this problem, a solution involves creating a new virtual environment, installing only the necessary packages, and then proceeding with the conversion process. This approach results in executable files that are only a few tens of megabytes in size.

For a detailed guide on how to accomplish this, you can refer to the following website:



fortigate log 保留天數調整

 fortigate log 預設保留7天,如果容量夠的話,可以設定保留久一點,若有發生異常,可以查到比較久以前的紀錄。


config log disk setting

set maximum-log-age 30     


FortiGate logs are stored by default for 7 days. If you have enough disk space, you can configure them to be stored for a longer period of time. This will allow you to view older logs in case of an incident.

To configure FortiGate logs, enter the following three commands in command mode. The second command sets the number of days that logs are stored. In the example below, logs are stored for 30 days.

config log disk setting

set maximum-log-age 30



windows 使用batch 指令匯出dhcp lease位址租用紀錄

 如果是windows2012,powershell 4.0裡面有get-dhcp的指令把DHCP目前租用IP的清單做匯出。

但在windows2008,powershell 1.0沒這個指令,不想升級powershell,可以用netsh來完成,指令如下:

@echo off

netsh dhcp server scope show clients > "%DATE:~0,4%%DATE:~5,2%%DATE:~8,2%_dhcp_clients.txt"




If you are using Windows 2012, PowerShell 4.0 includes the get-dhcp command to export a list of currently leased IP addresses from DHCP.

However, in Windows 2008, PowerShell 1.0 does not have this command. If you do not want to upgrade PowerShell, you can use netsh to complete the task. The command is as follows:

@echo off

netsh dhcp server scope show clients > "%DATE:~0,4%%DATE:~5,2%%DATE:~8,2%_dhcp_clients.txt"


This command will export the IP leases for the scope to a text file. The file name will be in the format of YYYYMMDD_dhcp_clients.txt.

To export leases for all scopes, simply copy and paste the command, and change the scope IP address after scope.


APACHE http轉跳https 設定




ESXi 6.5 的windows 2012虛擬機傳送ctrl alt del沒反應

在ESXi 6.5架設了一台windows 2012虛擬機,開啟了遠端桌面連線的功能,都可以使用,接著安裝了vmtool重開機後,使用chrome透過esxi的web console要登入主機時,傳送ctrl alt del沒反應。



在經過一些測試後發現,是透過windows update進行更新時,會有一個vmware的套件,安裝了這個後,才會有傳送ctrl alt del沒反應的問題,所以在做windows update時不要裝這個套件就好了。

I have set up a Windows 2012 virtual machine on ESXi 6.5 and enabled the Remote Desktop Connection feature, which was working fine. Then I installed vmtools and rebooted the virtual machine. After that, when I tried to log in to the host using Chrome via ESXi's web console and sent Ctrl+Alt+Del, there was no response.

I also tried using Remote Desktop Connection, but after entering the username and password, I couldn't connect, which is very strange.

After searching on Google, I found an article from VMware suggesting upgrading ESXi, but for now, I'm not considering that option.

After some testing, I discovered that when updating through Windows Update, there is a VMware package that, when installed, causes the issue with Ctrl+Alt+Del not working. So, when performing Windows Update, it's advisable not to install this package.


Excel 下方的分頁頁籤不見了



這是設定的問題,只要在進階的設定裡,找到 顯示工作表索引標籤,將此功能打勾就會正常顯示其他分頁了。

Different worksheets in an Excel file are usually switchable by clicking on the tabs located at the bottom left.
However, in some cases, even though a file has multiple worksheets, there is no content displayed at the bottom, and switching between them is not possible.
This is a configuration issue. By going into the advanced settings and enabling the "Show sheet tabs" option, the other worksheets will be displayed correctly.


IBM x345 亮橘燈

 有一台非常老舊的IBM x345,前面面板出現了硬體故障的橘燈,但這台伺服器的面板沒有其他資訊,就只燈號可以看。






There is an old IBM x345 server that has a hardware failure indicated by an amber light on the front panel. However, the server's panel does not provide any additional information, only the indicator light is visible.

Upon inspecting the physical appearance, the hard drives appear to be functioning properly, and there are no other areas with illuminated amber lights, making it difficult to determine the source of the issue.

Referring to the manufacturer's documentation, it mentions that there are other hardware indicator lights on the motherboard, which would illuminate if there were any problems.

Therefore, shut down the system, and the computer cables were connected. Upon opening the server's cover, it was discovered that there was indeed an illuminated amber light on one of the memory slots, finally identifying the problem.

Interestingly, upon opening the cover, a small panel was found hidden inside, displaying the specific hardware component that was experiencing the failure. It is weird why this panel was concealed inside the server.

Upon revisiting the manufacturer's documentation, it was confirmed that this diagnostic panel is indeed located inside the server.

Shioaji 1分k轉成其他分k




第一是轉成其他k分時,會有從左邊算起或右邊算一起的問題,這就會影響到資料的正確性,關於這個,可以參考https://ithelp.ithome.com.tw/articles/10280495 這篇文章,用label跟closed兩個參數去調整資料的正確性。



這時後就要在加一個base的參考,範例可參考 https://towardsdatascience.com/using-the-pandas-resample-function-a231144194c4 這篇最後面‘Base’ Argument的說明。

另外就是1分k只能用日期 去過濾,但裡面會包含到日跟夜盤的資料,如果只要日盤,或是特定時間,就要用between_time這個參考去過濾,範例可去https://geek-docs.com/pandas/pandas-dataframe/python-pandas-dataframe-between_time.html 看看。

Linux nautilus程序佔用cpu效能




The Linux program Nautilus is consuming CPU resources.

While checking the system performance using the "top" command, I noticed that the Nautilus program is utilizing a significant amount of CPU power. However, the overall CPU usage remains low, and it does not affect the overall operation of the system.

Nautilus is a graphical interface program, similar to a file manager. By using the "who" command, I confirmed that there is still an active session logged in through the graphical interface. After connecting to it, I discovered that many folder windows were left open, which were not closed after configuring some settings by other personnel.

By closing these folders and logging into the graphical interface again, these programs disappeared.


Teams 會議來賓無法文字聊天






其他差異可參考 https://atlas.utdallas.edu/TDClient/30/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=300

Guests in Teams meetings are unable to chat via text.

Originally, during Teams meetings, guests without an account could also engage in text chat using the "Chat" feature. However, recently this capability suddenly became unavailable.

During testing, it was observed that sometimes it worked, while other times it didn't. After carefully comparing the steps taken, the reason for this situation was identified.

Teams meetings can be categorized as channel meetings or regular meetings, and the location for initiating a meeting is different on the interface. Typically, meetings are initiated as channel meetings because upon logging in, the interface is directed to the channel meeting initiation section.

Meetings created within "Teams" are always channel meetings, regardless of whether they are scheduled or started immediately. Guests cannot use text chat in these meetings.

Meetings created within the "Calendar" are always regular meetings, regardless of whether they are scheduled or started immediately. Guests can use text chat in these meetings.


Backup exec 伺服器的 Symantec\Backup Exec\BEDBG 資料夾內有很多佔容易的cab檔

 Backup exec 伺服器的C槽空間快不夠了,看了一下裡面的東西,發現 Backup exec 的程式資料夾中,其中一個BEDBG資料夾用了比較多空間,在裡面看到很多cab檔。

上網查了一下,這是 Backup exec 當掉後就會產生的dump檔,如果有需要查原因就可以去讀取這些cab檔。


The available disk space on the C drive of the Backup Exec server is running critically low. Upon investigating the contents, it was observed that the BEDBG folder within the Backup Exec program directory is consuming a considerable amount of space. Upon further inspection, it was discovered that the folder contains multiple CAB files.

After conducting research online, it was determined that these CAB files are generated as dump files by Backup Exec in the event of a system crash. These files can be accessed for troubleshooting purposes to identify the cause of the crash, if necessary.

If there is no need for further investigation, it is recommended to delete these files in order to reclaim disk space.


HTTPS 網站的SSL 憑證發行者 變成 Kapersky






The issuer of an HTTPS website certificate typically displays the certificate's issuing authority. However, in some cases, when viewing the certificate information on certain websites, the issuer appears as "Kaspersky" instead. This does not affect the functionality of the certificate, but the reason behind this change is unclear.

Further investigation revealed that if antivirus software has enabled HTTPS scanning, it installs its own certificate to facilitate the scanning of HTTPS transmissions.

By disabling the inspection of encrypted HTTPS traffic, the situation of the certificate issuer being replaced can be avoided.

The setting for HTTPS encrypted transmission scanning in Kaspersky Endpoint Security (KES), the enterprise edition of Kaspersky, can be found in the general settings under network settings. It provides the option to enable or disable this feature.


Shioaji 篩選 目前週選的TX代號






if api.Contracts.Options['TX1'] != None and api.Contracts.Options['TX2'] != None:
    TX = 'TX1'
elif api.Contracts.Options['TX2'] != None and api.Contracts.Options['TXO'] != None:
    TX = 'TX2'
elif api.Contracts.Options['TX4'] != None and api.Contracts.Options['TX1'] != None:
    TX = 'TX4'
elif api.Contracts.Options['TX4'] != None and api.Contracts.Options['TX5'] != None:
    TX = 'TX4'
elif api.Contracts.Options['TX5'] != None and api.Contracts.Options['TX1'] != None:
    TX = 'TX5'
elif api.Contracts.Options['TXO'] != None and    api.Contracts.Options['TX4'] != None:
    TX = 'TXO'


FreeFileSync 同步檔案時出現 sync.ffs_lock的相關錯誤 code error 5: Access refuse [create file]

 在win2019透過freefilesync要把遠端win2003的檔案同步過來本機的時後,有些資料夾都會出現錯誤,內容都是在本機端的資料夾中 sync.ffs_lock有錯誤, code error 5: Access refuse [create file]。





When using FreeFileSync on Windows Server 2019 to sync files from a remote Windows Server 2003 to the local machine, some folders encounter errors. The error message states that there is an issue with the "sync.ffs_lock" file in the local folder, with error code 5: Access refused [create file].

According to the literal meaning of the error, it seems that the sync process is unable to create the "sync" file.

However, I noticed that there were no issues when manually creating files on the local machine, which struck me as odd.

Later, while manually copying and pasting files, I encountered occasional error messages indicating a lack of permission and suggesting the need for administrator privileges. However, I was already using the local administrator account to perform the operation.

At this point, it occurred to me that when running FreeFileSync, it should be executed with administrator privileges. When I ran the program as an administrator, the folders that were previously causing errors during synchronization, about three or four of them, synced without any problems.


pyinstaller py轉exe出現錯誤:The 'pathlib' package is an obsolete


The 'pathlib' package is an obsolete backport of a standard library package and is incompatible with PyInstaller. Please remove this package (located in C:\Users\helloeveryone\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages) using  conda remove then try again.

這時就執行 pip uninstall pathlib ,把pathlib移除就好,移除後不需要再重裝一次。


When using PyInstaller to convert a .py file into an executable (.exe) file, the following error occurs:

"The 'pathlib' package is an obsolete backport of a standard library package and is incompatible with PyInstaller. Please remove this package (located in C:\Users\helloeveryone\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages) using conda remove then try again."

To resolve this, execute "pip uninstall pathlib" to remove the pathlib package. After removing it, there is no need to reinstall it.

Afterward, running PyInstaller should successfully convert the .py file into an .exe file.


Shioaji 篩選 期貨 日盤的kbars

Shioaji 在撈Kbar資料時,可以指定開始跟結束的"日期",然後就產出這段時間的一分k資料 。


1. 先把dataframe裡的ts欄位設成index
2. 在用between_time的功能,選出要的時間區間,就完成了。
df=df.between_time('08:44', '13:46')

可以參 考這篇


永豐 e-leader 選擇權搭配autoit 做自動下單平倉 bug






ControlCommand("e-Leader - [[6508]多次IOC :(0) TR<540001>]","","ComboBox8","SelectString",'平倉停損')



永豐 e-leader 選擇權收盤前搭配autoit 做自動下單平倉




1. 假設已手動下好多次IOC的組合單,而且成交了,這時後畫面就會停在原本下單的條件。

2. 這時後就開啟autoit ,設定讓程式自動做下列幾個動作
ControlCommand("e-Leader - [[6508]多次IOC :(0) TR<540001>]","","ComboBox8","SelectString",'平倉停損')
ControlCommand("e-Leader - [[6508]多次IOC :(0) TR<540001>]","","ComboBox7","SelectString",'多次IOC')

3. 在工作排程中,設定收盤前一點點的時間執行這個exe檔,為了怕沒成交要讓IOC跑一下,執行時間可能就要設在收盤前的幾十秒就要執行了。



查詢DHCP IP的發送記錄

 如果想查詢近期DHCP server 的IP發送給哪一台主機,可以用下列方式查詢。



To determine which host was assigned a specific IP address by the DHCP server, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the DHCP management tool.
  2. Right-click on the server name and select "Properties."
  3. In the properties window, you will find the database path.
  4. Navigate to the specified path, and you will be able to view the DHCP lease history for each day.
Note: Please note that the exact steps may vary depending on the DHCP management tool you are using and the version of Windows Server.


chrome 部署自動清除cookie 設定




一律在視窗關閉時清除 Cookie這邊就可以把要自動清除cookie的網站加入就行了。

然後在群組原則管理工具中,新建一個gpo,先把chrome的adm新增到系統管理範本中,就可以看到裡面有google chrome的設定可以做部署。

To enhance and translate the content provided:

When logging into certain websites using Chrome, cookies are generated. These cookies allow subsequent logins without the need to enter the username and password again. Websites like Spotify, Teams, and others utilize this feature.

However, there are times when you may prefer to clear these cookies upon closing the webpages to avoid automatically using the previous login credentials during the next login.

Chrome's settings include a cookie-clearing function, but it clears all cookies and lacks the ability to selectively remove cookies from specific websites, which can be inconvenient.

If you wish to automatically clear cookies from a particular website upon closing the webpage, there is another way to configure this setting. You can choose to "Clear cookies and site data when you quit Chrome" by adding the desired websites to this option.

If there are multiple computers within your company, individually configuring the settings on each one can be tedious. You can download the Chrome ADM template from (https://enterprise.google.com/chrome/chrome-browser/#download).

Next, in the Group Policy Management tool, create a new GPO and add the Chrome ADM file to the Administrative Templates section. This will allow you to see the available Google Chrome settings for deployment.

Under the "Limit cookies from sites that match the following URL" option, add the website URLs. Once users open these websites, closing Chrome will automatically delete the cookies, ensuring they are not retained.